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new year week slush package

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festive season will soon be upon us
getting the festive drinks sorted ? then why not hire our slush machine package
we are offering a weeks hire of our slush machine including 4x5 liters of undiluted juice which will make up 120 liters or ready to drink mix enough to make up 600 slushies as well as
200 plastic cups and 200 straws
great on its own for kids and adults
and for the adult party why not add Bacardi vodka to the slushies to get vodka slsuhie etc
these machines also do a great job of slushing up koperberg cider and monster energy drinks lol
7 day hire for new year week
new year week 28th december to 5th january
price for machine juice mix and cups straws for 1 week hire £229
book early we only have 3 of these available
or callthe office on 07935 596679

Price: £229

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